+(507) 225-0990
Mon - Fri 08:00am-05:00pm
+(507) 225-0990
Mon - Fri 08:00am-05:00pm

Business Advisory (our special dedicated team)


We are a group of professionals that through the law firm and business advisors, Navarro Guardia S.C. has created an advisory and network department to provide international companies with the strategic actions to follow in public tenders within the Panamanian state (Central Government, Panama Canal Authority and other state entities).

In that order of ideas, we offer besides the knowledge of the market, legal aspects, political development and strategies in public relations; with a total and strict adherence to Panamanian laws and a high standard of ethical principles and responsibility.


Our commitment is to build a long-term relationship with these companies, guide and guide their steps in the opening, establishment and consolidation of tenders in the field they require and creating networks to reach the proposed goal.

The five major areas of action are:

1. ADVISORS: with a clear management and knowledge of the Panamanian market, laws and government management. All the steps are carried out for the successful completion of the various tenders that appear on the part of the Panamanian Government or the Panama Canal Authority, from the time the project is known to its completion and then the steps that need to be followed.

2. MANAGEMENT: advise and facilitate the management of foreign companies to reach the goal of entering the Panamanian market and expand to new markets effectively, without wasting time, generating value for your company and having the support of a selective and Professional human capital that guides you in every step in Panama.
We specialize in critical challenges that mitigate the time of the famous “learning curve” necessary to start working from any new market.

Given the interest of many companies to participate in the growing economic development of Panama, our “STRATEGIC ADVISORY” department is created, which provides consulting services for foreign companies that need to know the whole process as the local market works and everything required to participate in tenders.

  • We offer advice on matters:
  • Legal for the establishment of companies.
  • Public tenders.
  • Fiscal and commercial.
  • Public relations and communication.
  • Financial and economic
  • Insurance
  • Real estate.
  • Politics.
  • Engineering and architecture.

We guide and support our clients to find fiscal, migratory and other advantages that offer special areas such as: Panama Pacifico, City of Knowledge, Colon Free Zone, Private Free Zones and other special economic zones that function as headquarters for multinational companies.

We identify business opportunities for our clients, so that they can participate in important public bidding projects of the State and the Panama Canal Authority.

We focus on identifying those projects that may be of interest to our clients and that belong to the branch or industry in which they operate. We present the project and with it we start a synergy of work to be prepared with the best proposals, even looking for local partners to form consortiums that allow the best execution of the projects and execute them with the highest standards of quality, ethics and professionalism .

We support our client and take them by the hand from the moment the idea is born until the project is awarded, developed and followed up.

3. NETWORK ACTIONS: creation of work networks of people or companies to act cooperatively in different scenarios. This circumstance may include financial actions, policies, participation in bids, signatures of engineering documents or architecture among others.

4. COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: advice in external communication for these large companies. We design, investigate, develop strategies, plan of action and manage relationships with the media.

We analyze and evaluate the internal and external image that the different publics have of the company or of its image or of the competition, in order to propose improvement proposals.

5. REPRESENTATION, ASSOCIATION AND CONSULTING IN TENDERS: with a clear management and knowledge of the Panamanian market, laws and government management, all the steps are taken for a strategic alliance to represent and advise them with a local Panamanian partner.

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : (+507) 225-0990

info@navarroguardia.com Mon – Fri 08:00-17:00

Firm’s Presentation

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Let us help you! Call Now : (+507) 225 0990

·  Mon – Fri 08:00-17:00